Aldhelm Riddle 25: Magnes ferrifer


Date: Sat 12 Mar 2022
Original text:

Vis mihi naturae dedit, immo creator Olimpi,
Id, quo cuncta carent veteris miracula mundi.
Frigida nam chalibis suspendo metalla per auras:
Vi quadam superans sic ferrea fata revinco;
Mox adamante Cypri praesente potentia fraudor.


The strength of nature, or rather the creator of heaven, gave to me
That which is lacking in all the miracles of the old world. 
For I raise cold steely metals through the air:
Conquering thus by means of this specific strength, I overcome iron fates again;
In the presence of Cyprian adamant, I am immediately defrauded of my power.

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Iron-attracting Magnet


This edition is based on Rudolf Ehwald, ed. Aldhelmi Opera Omnia. Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Auctores Antiquissimi, 15. Berlin: Weidmann, 1919, pages 59-150. Available online here.

Tags: riddles  latin  Aldhelm 

Symphosius Riddle 25: Mus


Date: Fri 01 Jul 2022
Original text:

Parva mihi domus est sed ianua semper aperta.
Exiguo sumptu furtiva vivo sagina.
Quod mihi nomen inest, Romae quoque consul habebat.


My house is little, but the door is always open.
I live at small cost on stolen food.
A Roman consul also had what my name is.

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This edition is based on Raymond T. Ohl, ed. The Enigmas of Symphosius. PhD dissertation, University of Pennsylvania, 1928.

Tags: riddles  solutions  latin  symphosius 

Eusebius Riddle 26: De die bissextili


Date: Mon 27 Dec 2021
Original text:

Cum proprii generis viginti quattuor horis,
Unusquisque creatur. Non ego solus adesse
Possum, sed neque perficiar nec forte creabor,
Semper decursis nisi in ordine quattuor annis.


With the twenty-four hours of my kind,
Everyone is created. I cannot exist 
Alone, but I will neither be caused nor created by chance,
Only in order, always with the lapse of four years.

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On the bissextile day

Tags: riddles  latin  Eusebius 

Tatwine Riddle 26: De quinque sensibus


Date: Wed 05 Jan 2022
Original text:

Nos quini vario fratres sub nomine templum
Concessum nobis colimus constanter ab ortu.
Nam thuris segetem fero, fercula et ille saporis;
Hic totum, presens, affert tangi, ille vindendum;
Ast laetam quintus famam tristemque ministrat.


We five brothers, of various names, inhabit 
A temple granted to us continually from the beginning.
For I bear a crop of frankincense, him, flavourful dishes; 
This one, when present, causes everything to be touched, that one, to be seen;
And the fifth gives happy and sad report.

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On the five senses

Tags: riddles  latin  Tatwine 

Aldhelm Riddle 26: Gallus


Date: Sat 12 Mar 2022
Original text:

Garrulus in tenebris rutilos cecinisse solebam
Augustae lucis radios et lumina Phoebi;
Penniger experto populorum nomine fungor.
Arma ferens pedibus belli diserimina faxo
Serratas capitis gestans in vertice cristas.


Garrulous in the darkness, I was accustomed to predicting the radiant
Rays of venerable light and the glory of Phoebus;
Feathered, I go by the known name of a people.
Carrying weapons on my feet I undertake the hazards of war,
Bearing a serrated crest on top of my head. 

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This edition is based on Rudolf Ehwald, ed. Aldhelmi Opera Omnia. Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Auctores Antiquissimi, 15. Berlin: Weidmann, 1919, pages 59-150. Available online here.

Tags: riddles  latin  Aldhelm 

Symphosius Riddle 26: Grus


Date: Fri 01 Jul 2022
Original text:

Littera sum caeli penna perscripta volanti,
Bella cruenta gerens volucri discrimine Martis;
Nec vereor pugnas, dum non sit longior hostis.


I am a letter of the sky, written out with flying wing,
Waging cruel wars with winged Mars’ danger;
I do not fear battles, as long as the enemy is not taller.

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This edition is based on Raymond T. Ohl, ed. The Enigmas of Symphosius. PhD dissertation, University of Pennsylvania, 1928.

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Eusebius Riddle 27: De humilitate et superbia


Date: Mon 27 Dec 2021
Original text:

Curva licet maneam vel strata soloque depressa,
Me tamen hinc omnes nunc exaltabo tenentes.
Effera stans, inimica mea sustollitur alta
Atque suos sternit vel comprimit illa sequaces.


Although I remain crooked or thrown down and crushed to the ground,
From here I will nevertheless exalt all those who now keep me.
Standing untamed, my enemy is lifted high
And that one casts down or rebukes her followers.

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On humility and pride

Tags: riddles  latin  Eusebius 

Tatwine Riddle 27: De forcipe


Date: Wed 05 Jan 2022
Original text:

Iamque meum, tibi quod narrow, mirabile dictu,
Fatum, nam geminis constat mihi robur in armis,
Captandi sub rictibus est fiducia grandis.
Non praedura vel aspera neu fervida terrent,
Rictibus intrepidis sed cuncta capessere tempto.


And now my fate, which I tell you, marvelous 
to say, for my strength lies in a twinned weapon,
is great confidence in seizing things in my jaws.
Neither hard nor bitter nor hot things scare me,
But with fearless jaws I try to grasp everything.

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On tongs

Tags: riddles  latin  Tatwine 

Aldhelm Riddle 27: Coticula


Date: Sat 12 Mar 2022
Original text:

Frigidus ex gelido prolatus viscere terrae
Duritiem ferri quadrata fronte polibo
Atque senectutis vereor diserimina numquam,
Mulcifer annorum numerum ni dempserit igne;
Mox rigida species mollescit torribus atris.


Brought forth cold from the frozen innards of the earth,
I will polish the hardness of iron with my squared face,
And I will never fear the hazards of old age
Unless Vulcan take away from my number of years with fire;
My rigid appearance immediately becomes soft in dark flames.

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This edition is based on Rudolf Ehwald, ed. Aldhelmi Opera Omnia. Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Auctores Antiquissimi, 15. Berlin: Weidmann, 1919, pages 59-150. Available online here.

Tags: riddles  latin  Aldhelm 

Symphosius Riddle 27: Cornix


Date: Fri 01 Jul 2022
Original text:

Vivo novem vitas, si me non Graecia fallit;
Atraque sum semper nullo conpulsa dolore;
Et non irascens ultro convitia dico.


I live nine lives, if Greece does not deceive me;
And I am always black, compelled by no sadness;
And not angry, I give abuse superfluously.

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This edition is based on Raymond T. Ohl, ed. The Enigmas of Symphosius. PhD dissertation, University of Pennsylvania, 1928.

Tags: riddles  solutions  latin  symphosius 

Eusebius Riddle 28: De candela


Date: Mon 27 Dec 2021
Original text:

Quod reliquis in me libet hoc mihi vile defectum
Prebet, et extinguor quo multis lumina praesto.
Cumque aliis possim splendescere, non mihi lux sum.
Pars quoque quae multis lucet tam tetra videtur.


That in me which is pleasing to the rest provides me with a worthless 
Absence, and I am extinguished by that with which I supply light to many.
Although I am able to brighten for others, I am not a light for myself.
Even the part which shines for many seems very foul.

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On the candle

Tags: riddles  latin  Eusebius 

Tatwine Riddle 28: De incude


Date: Wed 05 Jan 2022
Original text:

Grande caput, collo consertum, sumere cernor,
Cui penitus nulli constant in vertice crines.
Heu, fato miser: inmobili qui sto pede fixus
Cedere tantundem siniturus verticis arcem,
Insons, vindictam sed nolo referre nocenti.


I am seen to have a large head, connected to my neck,
On top of which there are absolutely no hairs. 
Alas, unhappy fate: I who stand fixed on an immobile foot,
About to allow just so much of my head to yield,
Am innocent, but I do not wish to punish the one harming me.

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On the anvil

Tags: riddles  latin  Tatwine 

Aldhelm Riddle 28: Minotaurus


Date: Tue 15 Mar 2022
Original text:

Sum mihi dissimilis vultu membrisque biformis:
Cornibus armatus, horrendum cetera fingunt
Membra virum; fama clarus per Gnossia rura
Spurius incerto Greta genitore creatus
Ex hominis pecudisque simul cognomine dicor.


I am hybrid, different in my face and limbs: 
I am armed with horns, my other limbs form 
A horrible man; known by report through Knossian fields,
Born illegitimate with an unknown father in Crete, 
I am said in name to be of man and beast at the same time.

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This edition is based on Rudolf Ehwald, ed. Aldhelmi Opera Omnia. Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Auctores Antiquissimi, 15. Berlin: Weidmann, 1919, pages 59-150. Available online here.

Tags: riddles  latin  Aldhelm 

Symphosius Riddle 28: Vespertilio


Date: Fri 01 Jul 2022
Original text:

Nox mihi dat nomen primo de tempore noctis.
Pluma mihi non est, cum sit mihi penna volantis;
Sed redeo in tenebris nec me committo diebus.


Night gives me my name, from the first time of night.
I do not have feathers, though I do have flying wing;
But I go in darkness, and do not commit myself to days.

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This edition is based on Raymond T. Ohl, ed. The Enigmas of Symphosius. PhD dissertation, University of Pennsylvania, 1928.

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Eusebius Riddle 29: De aetate et saltu


Date: Mon 27 Dec 2021
Original text:

Rite, vicenis cum quadragies octies una
Quaeque sororum formatur de more mearum
Nempe momentis. Tunc ego sola, peracta, videbor
Cicli nondecimus cum deficit extimus annus.


In due manner, every twenty-four hours (1)
Each one of my sisters is formed according to custom
Without doubt. Then I alone will be seen, completed,
When the nineteenth and final year of the cycle is passed.

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On the age and leap of the moon


(1) Literally “with forty-eight by twenty momenta.”

Tags: riddles  latin  Eusebius 

Tatwine Riddle 29: De mensa


Date: Wed 05 Jan 2022
Original text:

Multiferis omnes dapibus saturare solesco,
Quadripedem hinc felix ditem me sanxerat aetas.
Esse tamen pulchris fatim dum vestibus orner,
Certatim me praedones spoliare solescunt.
Raptis nudata exuviis mox membra relinquunt.


It is my custom to satisfy everyone with sumptuous feasts,
So happy age rendered me quadruped and rich.
Yet while I am sufficiently adorned with beautiful vestments,
Robbers tend to strip me eagerly.
When my spoils have been seized, then my limbs are left naked.

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On the table

Tags: riddles  latin  Tatwine 

Aldhelm Riddle 29: Aqua


Date: Tue 15 Mar 2022
Original text:

Quis non obstupeat nostri spectacula fati,
Dum virtute fero silvarum robora mille,
Ast acus exilis mox tanta gestamina rumpit?
Nam volucres caeli nantesque per aequora pisces
Olim sumpserunt ex me primordia vitae:
Tertia pars mundi mihi constat iure tenenda.


Who would not be stupefied at the spectacle of my fate,
While with strength I bear a thousand oaks of the forests,
But a thin needle immediately ruptures such loads? 
For birds of the sky and fish swimming through the seas 
Once received from me the beginnings of life:
A third part of the world belongs to me according to law.

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This edition is based on Rudolf Ehwald, ed. Aldhelmi Opera Omnia. Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Auctores Antiquissimi, 15. Berlin: Weidmann, 1919, pages 59-150. Available online here.

Tags: riddles  latin  Aldhelm 

Symphosius Riddle 29: Ericius


Date: Fri 01 Jul 2022
Original text:

Plena domus spinis, parvi sed corporis hospes;
Incolumi dorso telis confixus acutis
Sustinet armatas segetes habitator inermis.


A house full of spikes, but a guest of small body;
With an unharmed back, pierced by sharp points,
A defenceless inhabitant supports armed crops.

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This edition is based on Raymond T. Ohl, ed. The Enigmas of Symphosius. PhD dissertation, University of Pennsylvania, 1928.

If you're researching/studying this collection, you should also consult this excellent new edition: T. J. Leary, ed. Symphosius: The Aenigmata, An Introduction, Text and Commentary. London: Bloomsbury, 2014. Textual differences in that edition include:

  • Ordering: Leary orders Riddles 29-31 as: phoenix, ericius, peduculus, while also acknowledging the possibility of the order here

Tags: riddles  solutions  latin  symphosius 

Eusebius Riddle 30: De atramentorio


Date: Mon 27 Dec 2021
Original text:

Armorum fueram vice meque tenebat in armis
Fortis, et armigeri gestabar vertice tauri.
Vas tamen intus habens sum nunc intestina amara
Viscera, sed ructans bonus ibit nitor odoris.


I was in the weapons’ role, and a strong one held me
In battle, and I was carried on the head of an armed bull.
I am now a vessel, however, holding bitter entrails and viscera 
Inside, but when I belch, good and elegant perfume will issue.

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On the inkhorn

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Tatwine Riddle 30: De ense et vagina


Date: Wed 05 Jan 2022
Original text:

Armigeri dura cordis compagine fingor,
Cuius et hirsuti extat circumstantia pepli,
Pangitur et secto cunctum de robore culmen
Pellibus exterius strictim; quae tegmina tute
Offensam diris defendunt imbribus aulam.


I am shaped by the hard framework of a warlike heart,
which is encircled in a hairy cloak,
And whose whole top, cut from oak, is fastened 
Tightly on the outside by skins; these coverings safely
Defend the home from damage by dreadful rains.

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On the sword and sheath

Tags: riddles  latin  Tatwine 

Aldhelm Riddle 30: Elementum


Date: Tue 15 Mar 2022
Original text:

Nos decem et septem genitae sine voce sorores
Sex alias nothas non dicimus annumerandas.
Nascimur ex ferro rursus ferro moribundae
Necnon et volucris penna volitantis ad aethram;
Terni nos fratres incerta matre crearunt.
Qui cupit instanter sitiens audire docentes,
Tum cito prompta damus rogitanti verba silenter.


We, ten and seven sisters, born without a voice, 
Say that the six other illegitimates are not to be included. 
We are born of iron, will also die by iron, 
Or indeed by the feather of a bird flying through the sky.
Three brothers created us from an unknown mother.
Whoever in their thirst earnestly wishes to hear our teachings,
We quickly, silently give prepared words, then, to the one asking.

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This edition is based on Rudolf Ehwald, ed. Aldhelmi Opera Omnia. Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Auctores Antiquissimi, 15. Berlin: Weidmann, 1919, pages 59-150. Available online here.

Tags: riddles  latin  Aldhelm 

Symphosius Riddle 30: Peduculus


Date: Fri 01 Jul 2022
Original text:

Est nova nostrarum cunctis captura ferarum,
Ut, si quid capias, id tu tibi ferre recuses
Et, quod non capias, tecum tamen ipse reportes.


There is, for everyone, a strange prey of our wild animals,
Which, if you should catch it, you will decline to bring it to you
And, if you should not catch it, it may yet bring itself back with you.

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This edition is based on Raymond T. Ohl, ed. The Enigmas of Symphosius. PhD dissertation, University of Pennsylvania, 1928.

If you're researching/studying this collection, you should also consult this excellent new edition: T. J. Leary, ed. Symphosius: The Aenigmata, An Introduction, Text and Commentary. London: Bloomsbury, 2014. Textual differences in that edition include:

  • Ordering: Leary orders Riddles 29-31 as: phoenix, ericius, peduculus, while also acknowledging the possibility of the order here

Tags: riddles  solutions  latin  symphosius 

Eusebius Riddle 31: De caera


Date: Mon 27 Dec 2021
Original text:

Aequalem facie, scindit me vomer acutus,
At sulcata manens semper sum seminis expers.
Scissa premor post haec, sed sum speciosior inde.
Nunc ego verba tenens; nunc saepe repello tenebras.


A sharp plough cuts me, smooth of face,
But although I remain grooved, I always lack seed. 
Cut, I am pressed afterwards, but I am then more beautiful. 
Now I hold words; now often I repel the darkness.

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On the wax tablet

Tags: riddles  latin  Eusebius 

Tatwine Riddle 31: De scintilla


Date: Wed 05 Jan 2022
Original text:

Testor quod crevi, rarus mihi credere sed vult,
Nam nasci, gelido natum de viscere matris
Vere quae numquam sensit spiramina vitae,
Ipsa tamen mansit vivens in ventre sepultus.


I testify how I came to be, but rare is he who wishes to believe me, 
For I was born, the child of the icy inside of my mother
Who never truly felt the breaths of life, 
Yet I remained alive, buried in that belly.

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On the spark

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Aldhelm Riddle 31: Ciconia


Date: Tue 15 Mar 2022
Original text:

Candida forma nitens necnon et furva nigrescens
Est mihi, dum varia componor imagine pennae;
Voce carens tremula nam faxo crepacula rostro.
Quamvis squamigeros discerpam dira colobros,
Non mea letiferis turgescunt membra venenis;
Sic teneres pullos prolemque nutrire suesco
Carne venenata tetroque cruore draconum.


I have a shining white appearance and also one that
Dims to dark, since I am composed of the feather’s varied image;
I lack a quavering voice, for I will make rattles with my beak.
Although I, dreadful, will mangle scaly snakes,
My limbs will not swell with fatal venom;
Thus am I used to feeding young chickens and offspring
With the poisoned flesh and the foul blood of snakes.

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This edition is based on Rudolf Ehwald, ed. Aldhelmi Opera Omnia. Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Auctores Antiquissimi, 15. Berlin: Weidmann, 1919, pages 59-150. Available online here.

Tags: riddles  latin  Aldhelm