Eusebius Riddle 33: De scaetha


Date: Mon 27 Dec 2021
Original text:

In me multigena sapientia constat habunde,
Nec tamen illud scire, quid est sapientia, possum.
Cum prudentia forte meo processerit ore,
Tunc quod ab internis venit intus habere nequibo.


In me wisdom of many kinds stands plentifully,
And yet I cannot know what wisdom is.
If prudence will proceed from my mouth by chance,
I will then be unable to keep inside that which comes from within.

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On the book-satchel


Note: The solution given is a rare Latin word (also spelled scetha), which may be translated as “bookcase, or “book-wallet.” The sense seems to be “container of books.”

Tags: riddles  latin  Eusebius