Aldhelm Riddle 47: Hirundo


Date: Tue 15 Mar 2022
Original text:

Absque cibo plures degebam marcida menses,
Sed sopor et somnus ieiunia longa tulerunt;
Pallida purpureo dum glescunt gramine rura,
Garrula mox crepitat rubicundum carmina guttur.
Post teneros fetus et prolem gentis adultam
Sponte mea fugiens umbrosas quaero latebras;
Si vero quisquam pullorum lumina laedat,
Affero compertum medicans cataplasma salutis
Quaerens campestrem proprio de nomine florem.


I was living without food for several months, wasting away, 
But slumber and sleep supported the long fasts;
When the pale countryside blazes with radiant plants,
My ruddy throat immediately twitters away in chattering songs.
After my young offspring and my kind’s offspring are grown,
I flee of my own will and seek shady refuges;
But if indeed someone should injure my chicks’ eyes,
I, as the doctor, provide a proven poultice for health,
Seeking a flower of the field of my own name. 

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This edition is based on Rudolf Ehwald, ed. Aldhelmi Opera Omnia. Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Auctores Antiquissimi, 15. Berlin: Weidmann, 1919, pages 59-150. Available online here.

Tags: riddles  latin  Aldhelm 

Symphosius Riddle 47: Tus


Date: Fri 01 Jul 2022
Original text:

Dulcis odor nemoris flamma fumoque fatigor,
Et placet hoc superis, medios quod mittor in ignes,
Cum mihi peccandi meritum natura negavit.


The sweet scent of the grove, I am fatigued by flame and smoke,
And it is pleasing to the gods that I am sent into the middle of the flames,
Because nature denied me the reward of sinning.

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This edition is based on Raymond T. Ohl, ed. The Enigmas of Symphosius. PhD dissertation, University of Pennsylvania, 1928.

If you're researching/studying this collection, you should also consult this excellent new edition: T. J. Leary, ed. Symphosius: The Aenigmata, An Introduction, Text and Commentary. London: Bloomsbury, 2014. Textual differences in that edition include:

  • line 3 is from a different manuscript family: Nec mihi poena datur, sed habetur gratia dandi

Tags: riddles  solutions  latin  symphosius 

Commentary for Bern Riddle 47: De cochlea


Date: Mon 01 Mar 2021
Matching Riddle: Bern Riddle 47: De cochlea

Although this riddle appears in manuscripts with the title De castanea (“About the chestnut”), it is probably more of a chestnot. In his 1968 edition of the riddles, Glorie amends it to De cochlea (“About the snail”), with some justification. For what it is worth, I agree with him—I think that it has been confused with Riddle 48, which really is about a chestnut (well, probably, anyway!). However, there are issues with both solutions. Don’t think that the Exeter Book Riddles are the only medieval riddles that need solving!

Line 1 tells us that the riddle creature is “born with hard skin” (aspera produci, Line 1), which can be applied to both snails and chestnuts, at least to a certain degree. But the reference to a “soft cloak” (lenis amictus) is a bit more problematic. The body of a snail is soft, but the noun amictus, which can mean cloak or clothing more generally, suggests an outer layer. At a push, the spiky, protective cupule of a chestnut could also be called soft. However, neither solution seems to fit particularly well.

“The common whelk is found on coasts around northern Europe. Photograph (by MertildaA) from Wikimedia Commons (licence: CC BY-SA 4.0)”

The sonitus magnus (“great noise”) produced “from the belly” (de ventre) in Lines 3 and 4 is jokingly intended to sound like a rumbling tummy or flatulence, but it also provides the most evidence for the snail solution. Snails themselves do not make any great noise. (Although gastropods can produce tiny squeaks, grunts, and munching sounds, these are barely audible to the human ear.) The more likely explanation is that the author was referring to the shell of a marine snail, also known as a conch. Various kinds of shell can be modified to create a conch trumpet. When intacta (“intact”), the shell can be blown just like a horn; when corrupta (“damaged”), it cannot be played. This reminds me somewhat of the horn of Exeter Riddle 14, which calls warriors to hilde (“to battle”) and to wine (“to their wine”). Alternatively, the “great noise” could refer to the resonance of the shell when placed against the ear, which gives rise to the myth that one can hear the sea when doing so. I should also point out that Thomas Klein has taken Riddle 47 as evidence of southern European origin (Klein, page 404). There are plenty of marine gastropods in British waters, and whelk shells can grow to a moderate size. I don’t know if they are large enough for conch-blowing, but if you listen, you just might be able to hear the sea in them.

The final two lines could apply to either the chestnut or the snail—the idea seems to be that the riddle creature is enjoyed by humans when its outer layer is removed, presumably to be eaten. They also have sexual connotations—you cannot really call it innuendo, since innuendo is usually oblique, whereas the riddle is very explicit that this creature cannot truly be loved unless it is naked (nuda) and unclothed. In doing so, it recalls the table of Riddle 5 and the parchment of Riddle 24, both of which are also stripped of clothing.

If this riddle is about snails, as I believe it is, then it certainly manages to avoid all the clichés—it compares favourably with the 5th century riddle-writer, Symphosius’ riddle on the same subject, which begins with the hackneyed lines, Porto domum mecum (I carry my own home…”). You could say that Bern Riddle 47 is pretty spe-shell!


References and Suggested Reading:

Klein, Thomas. “Pater Occultus: The Latin Bern Riddles and Their Place in Early Medieval Riddling.” Neophilologus 103 (2019), 339-417, page 415.

Tags: latin  Bern Riddles 

Related Posts:
Exeter Riddle 14
Bern Riddle 5: De mensa
Bern Riddle 24: De membrana
Bern Riddle 48: De castanea

Bern Riddle 48: De castanea


Date: Wed 02 Dec 2020
Matching Commentaries: Commentary for Bern Riddle 48: De castanea
Original text:
Quattuor has ego conclusa gero figuras,
Pandere quas paucis deposcit ratio verbis:
Humida sum sicca, subtili corpore crassa,
Dulcis et amara, duro gestamine mollis.
Dulcis esse nulli possum nec crescere iuste,
Nisi sub amaro duroque carcere nascar.
In total, I bear these four aspects,
which logic requires to be unfolded in a few words:
I am wet and dry, fat with a slim body,
bitter and sweet, and soft with a hard outfit.
I cannot be sweet to anyone, nor can I grow properly,
unless I am born within a hard, bitter prison.
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This edition is based on Karl Strecker, ed., Poetae Latini aevi Carolini, Vol. 4.2 (Berlin, MGH/Weidmann, 1923), page 753.

A list of variant readings can be found in Fr. Glorie, ed., Variae collectiones aenigmatum Merovingicae aetatis, Corpus Christianorum, Series Latina 133A (Turnhout: Brepols, 1968), page 594.

Tags: latin  Bern Riddles 

Eusebius Riddle 48: De die et nocte


Date: Mon 27 Dec 2021
Original text:

Non sumus aequales, quamvis ambaeque sorores.
Tetrica nam facie est una stans, altera pulchra.
Horrida sed requiem confert, et grata laborem.
Non simul et semper sumus at secernimur ipsi.


We are not equals, although we are both sisters.
For one stands gloomy of face, the other, beautiful.
But the dreadful one brings rest, and the pleasant one, labour.
Always are we not together but are separated.

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On day and night

Tags: riddles  latin  Eusebius 

Aldhelm Riddle 48: Vertico poli


Date: Tue 15 Mar 2022
Original text:

Sic me formavit naturae conditor almus:
Lustro teres tota spatiosis saecula ciclis;
Latas in gremio portans cum pondere terras
Sic maris undantes cumulos et caerula cludo.
Nam nihil in rerum natura tam celer esset,
Quod pedibus pergat, quod pennis aethera tranet,
Accola neu ponti volitans per caerula squamis
Nec rota, per girum quam trudit machina limphae,
Currere sic posset, ni septem sidera tricent.


Thus did the holy creator of nature form me: 
Round, I roam all of space in long cycles;
Carrying the wide world with its weight on my lap,
Thus do I enclose the swelling masses and waves of the sea.
For there is nothing in the nature of things that would be as quick—
Nothing which goes on foot, which goes through the airs on wing, 
Or which, scaly resident of the sea, flies through the ocean blue,
Nor the wheel which a water-mill pushes in its turning—
Nothing could run thus if the seven planets did not slow me.

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Revolution of the Heavens


This edition is based on Rudolf Ehwald, ed. Aldhelmi Opera Omnia. Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Auctores Antiquissimi, 15. Berlin: Weidmann, 1919, pages 59-150. Available online here.

Tags: riddles  latin  Aldhelm 

Symphosius Riddle 48: Murra


Date: Fri 01 Jul 2022
Original text:

De lacrimis et pro lacrimis mea coepit origo.
Ex oculis fluxi, sed nunc ex arbore nascor,
Laetus honor frondis, tristis sed imago doloris.


From tears and for tears my beginning began.
I flowed from the eyes, but now I am born from a tree,
A happy honour to a leaf, but a sad image of sorrow.

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This edition is based on Raymond T. Ohl, ed. The Enigmas of Symphosius. PhD dissertation, University of Pennsylvania, 1928.

If you're researching/studying this collection, you should also consult this excellent new edition: T. J. Leary, ed. Symphosius: The Aenigmata, An Introduction, Text and Commentary. London: Bloomsbury, 2014. Textual differences in that edition include:

  • line 3: frondis > frondi

Tags: riddles  solutions  latin  symphosius 

Commentary for Bern Riddle 48: De castanea


Date: Mon 01 Mar 2021
Matching Riddle: Bern Riddle 48: De castanea

Unlike the previous riddle, this one really is an old chestnut—because it is about one! It has a vibe and an organisation that strikes me as unusual for the Bern Riddles: it begins with a framed, metatextual opening (lines 1-2), then describes four pairs of contrary attributes across four half-lines (lines 3-4), before summarising this again in a different way (lines 5-6).

“Chestnut. Photograph (by Fir0002/Flagstaffotos) from Wikimedia Commons (licence: CC BY-NC 3.0)”

The Exeter Book Riddles often talk about themselves as riddles, and they frequently challenge the reader to saga hwæt ic hatte (“say what I am called”). Other collections do this too, albeit less often. For example, Tatwine’s riddle on the rays of the sun (No. 40) ask: plausu, quid sum, pandite sophi (“unfold with applause wise ones, what I am”). The Bern Riddles rarely do this, but Riddle 48 is an exception—it tells us that “logic” (ratio) requires the riddle’s solution to be revealed “in a few words” (paucis… verbis).

Lines 3 and 4 are comprised of four binary pairs, all of which are solved in the same way. They ask us what is wet and dry, fat and slim, bitter and sweet, and soft and hard. The solution for all four is that the first word refers to the soft inner flesh of the nut, and the second to its hard skin, which the riddle describes as a gestamen (“outfit,” “burden,” “vehicle”).

“Cooking chestnuts, in a 15th century French copy of the Tacuinum Sanitatis (Bibliothèque Municipale Rouen, Leber 1088). Photograph from Wikimedia Commons (public domain)”

The final lines revisit two of the ideas already discussed: sweetness and bitterness, and hardness. They then add two new themes, growth and imprisonment, using these to play gently upon the meanings of dulcis (“sweet,” “pleasant”), durus (“hard,” “stern”) and amarus (“bitter-tasting,” “harsh,” “awful”), asking how something so delightful can grow in a severe and terrible prison.

At this point, I should get it off my chest that this is nut one of my favourite riddles—although perhaps you might disagree. It manages to pack a lot of ideas within a very tight structure, but it also lacks the eclectic creativity that makes the Bern riddles so unique. However, it does raise some interesting questions about authorship. Is it so different that it must have been written by a different author? I am not really convinced that it is different in every respect, since it shares quite a bit of core vocabulary with others in the collection (conclusa, figuras, humida, sicca, mollis, dulcis, crescere, nascor). But a lot more work needs to be done on the authorship of the Bern Riddles before we can arrive at a proper answer!


References and Suggested Reading:

Klein, Thomas. “Pater Occultus: The Latin Bern Riddles and Their Place in Early Medieval Riddling.” Neophilologus 103 (2019), 339-417, page 415.

Tags: latin  Bern Riddles 

Related Posts:
Exeter Riddle 14
Bern Riddle 5: De mensa
Bern Riddle 24: De membrana
Bern Riddle 48: De castanea

Bern Riddle 49: De pluvia


Date: Wed 02 Dec 2020
Matching Commentaries: Commentary for Bern Riddle 49: De pluvia
Original text:
Mirantibus cunctis nascens infligo querelas.
Efficior statim maior a patre qui nascor.
Me gaudere nullus potest, si terrae coaequor;
Superas me cuncti laetantur carpere vias.
Inproba amara diffundo pocula totis,
Et videre quanti volunt tantique refutant.
As I arise, I force complaints from everyone who wonders at me.
I am born and immediately become greater than my father.
No one can praise me if I am level with the earth;
everyone is happy when I take high roads.
When I am violent, I pour out bitter cups upon all,
and as many want to see me as despise me.
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This edition is based on Karl Strecker, ed., Poetae Latini aevi Carolini, Vol. 4.2 (Berlin, MGH/Weidmann, 1923), page 754.

A list of variant readings can be found in Fr. Glorie, ed., Variae collectiones aenigmatum Merovingicae aetatis, Corpus Christianorum, Series Latina 133A (Turnhout: Brepols, 1968), page 595.

Tags: latin  Bern Riddles 

Eusebius Riddle 49: De amphisbaena serpente


Date: Mon 27 Dec 2021
Original text:

Flexosis geminum contractibus in caput errans
Curro, caput nam trux aliud mea cauda retentat.
Flammigeros gestans animos ex more lucernae,
Viperei generis solam, me confero brumae.


Toing and froing in sinuous contractions, on a double head
I move, for my tail contains another fierce head.
Bearing spirits fiery like a lamp,
I bring myself, alone among viper-kind, into the cold.

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On the two-headed snake

Tags: riddles  latin  Eusebius 

Aldhelm Riddle 49: Lebes


Date: Tue 15 Mar 2022
Original text:

Horrida, curva, capax, patulis fabricata metallis
Pendeo nec caelum tangens terramve profundam,
Ignibus ardescens necnon et gurgite fervens;
Sic geminas vario patior discrimine pugnas,
Dum latices limphae tolero flammasque feroces.


Horrid, curved, capacious, made from beaten metals
I hang, touching neither the sky nor the vast earth,
Heated by fire and also boiling with swirling water;
Thus I endure twin battles with their various risks,
For as long as I tolerate the water’s liquid and the fierce flames. 

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This edition is based on Rudolf Ehwald, ed. Aldhelmi Opera Omnia. Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Auctores Antiquissimi, 15. Berlin: Weidmann, 1919, pages 59-150. Available online here.

Tags: riddles  latin  Aldhelm 

Symphosius Riddle 49: Ebur


Date: Fri 01 Jul 2022
Original text:

Dens ego sum magnus populis cognatus Eois;
Nunc ego per partes in corpora multa recessi;
Nec remanent vires, sed formae gratia mansit.


I am a great tooth, related to the people of the East;
Now I have receded into many bodies throughout the regions;
Strength does not remain, but the grace of the form abides.

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This edition is based on Raymond T. Ohl, ed. The Enigmas of Symphosius. PhD dissertation, University of Pennsylvania, 1928.

If you're researching/studying this collection, you should also consult this excellent new edition: T. J. Leary, ed. Symphosius: The Aenigmata, An Introduction, Text and Commentary. London: Bloomsbury, 2014. Textual differences in that edition include:

  • line 1: cognatus > prognatus

Tags: riddles  solutions  latin  symphosius 

Commentary for Bern Riddle 49: De pluvia


Date: Wed 31 Mar 2021
Matching Riddle: Bern Riddle 49: De pluvia

Like many people living in the U.K., I have a complex emotional relationship with the rain. When the weather is wet and dreary, I moan about how miserable it is; when the plants in the garden are scorched and hosepipes are banned, I pray for rain. This riddle is all about our contradictory human feelings about rain.

Rain 2
“Rain falling on twigs. Video (by Shishma) from Wikimedia Commons (licence: CC0 1.0)”

Medieval writers had a reasonably good understanding of the water cycle, although they often mistook the process of rainfall (i.e., the sun warms the air, the water vapour rises and cools, and thus condenses into rain) with the cause (i.e., the sun’s heat). For example, Isidore of Seville, writing at the beginning of the seventh century, told his readers that:

…aquae maris per tenuissimos vapores in aere suspensae paulatim concrescunt ibique igne solis decoctae in dulcem pluviarum saporem vertuntur.

[…the waters of the sea, hanging in the air as the thinnest mists, gradually condense; boiled there by the sun’s fire, they are turned into the sweet nectar of the rains.]
–Isidore, De natura rerum (ed. Becker), chapter 33, page 59.

The rain cycle was also the topic of a riddle (No. 9) by the late antique riddler, Symphosius, which explains: De caelo cecidi… sed sinus excepit qui me simul ipse remittit (“From the heavens I plunge… but the same bosom receives me which sends me back at the same time”). Today’s riddle, Bern 49, is rather different. It does touch upon some of the natural features of rain, but its primary focus is on how it makes humans feel.

It begins by asking us to consider how a natural process that is so inherently wonderous and spectacular can also be a source of unhappiness, explaining that the rain “forces complaints” (infligit querelas) from the very same people who are "marvelling” (mirans) at it. Clearly, we should spend less time grumbling and more time singing in the rain!

The Bern Riddles often challenge us to explain a riddle-creature’s parentage. In line 2, we are told that the creature is maior (“greater, older”) than her father as soon as she is born. The parent cannot be the feminine nubes (“cloud”) or the neuter nouns mare (“sea”) and caelum (“sky”). Possible candidates include aether (“sky”) and sol (“sun”), but I prefer vapor (“mist, vapour”)—this allows us to explain the “greater form” as the physical difference between water as gas and as liquid.

“Two people in a rainstorm in Leon, Guanajuato, Mexico. Photo (by Tomas Castelazo) from Wikimedia Commons (licence: CC BY-SA 3.0)”

Lines 3 and 4 continue the theme of contrasting human emotions, comparing those unhappy occasions when the rain is “level with the earth” (coaequatur terra) with those happy ones when the rain takes “high roads” (superas vias). The obvious explanation is that the former refers to lowland flooding and the latter to rainfall on higher ground, where flooding is less likely. The riddle then closes with the depiction of rainfall as an inproba* (“violent, wicked, immoral”) force that pours “bitter cups” (amara pocula) over everyone, but who is nevertheless welcomed by many. I would not suggest that you try this trick in your local pub or café!

I have to say that I really like the message of this clever little riddle. Next time the raindrops start falling on my head, I will try to remember that rain might bring the blues, but it also keeps us alive. I hope that you enjoyed this riddle, weather you like the rain or not!

*Most manuscript copies of this riddle give the masculine form of this adjective (inprobus), but this does not agree with the grammatical gender of the riddle subject (pluvia).


References and Suggested Reading:

Isidore of Seville. De natura rerum. Edited by Gustav Becker. Berlin: Weidmann, 1857. Available here. [Note: There are several different editions of Isidore’s De natura rerum. Most scholars use the Latin edition by Fontaine, but, because of the library closures during the Coronavirus pandemic in 2020-1, all page numbers in this commentary are for the older edition by Becker instead.]

——Isidore de Seville: Traité de la Nature. Edited by Jacques Fontaine. Bordeaux: Férét, 1960.

——On the Nature of Time. Edited and translated by Calvin B. Kendall & Faith Wallis. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2016.

Symphosius, “Riddle 9” in The Aenigmata: An introduction, Text, and Commentary. Edited by T. J. Leary (London: Bloomsbury, 2014). Pages 40 and 79-81.

Tags: latin  Bern Riddles 

Bern Riddle 50: De vino


Date: Wed 02 Dec 2020
Matching Commentaries: Commentary for Bern Riddle 50: De vino | Commentary for Bern Riddle 50A: De charta
Original text:
Innumeris ego nascor de matribus unum,
Genitum qui nullum vivum relinquo parentem.
Multa me nascente subportant vulnera matres,
Quarum mihi mors est potestas data per omnes.
Laedere non possum, me si quis oderit, umquam
Et iniqua reddo me quoque satis amanti.
Single, I am born from countless mothers,
and when created, I leave no living parent behind.
As I am born, my mothers receive many wounds,
and their death gives me power over everyone.
I cannot ever hurt anyone if they hate me,
and I also harm those who love me well enough.
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This edition is based on Karl Strecker, ed., Poetae Latini aevi Carolini, Vol. 4.2 (Berlin, MGH/Weidmann, 1923), page 754.

Line 1 follows the preferred reading in Fr. Glorie, ed., Variae collectiones aenigmatum Merovingicae aetatis, Corpus Christianorum, Series Latina 133A (Turnhout: Brepols, 1968), page 596.

Tags: latin  Bern Riddles 

Bern Riddle 50A: De charta


Date: Wed 02 Dec 2020
Matching Commentaries: Commentary for Bern Riddle 50: De vino | Commentary for Bern Riddle 50A: De charta
Original text:
Multimodo matris divellor opere membris
Et truncata multum reddor de minimo maior.
Fateor intacta firmis consistere plantis,
Opera nullius virgo momenti relinquo.
Solida disiungor, rursum soluta reformor,
Quae secura meis creduntur liquida membris.
I am torn apart from the limbs of my mother in many ways
and, mutilated, I am remade very large from very tiny.
When whole, I confess that I am made from firm shoots,
And as a virgin, I leave behind works of no importance.
When solid, I am divided, and when loose, I am reshaped again.
I am trusted to keep liquid safe in my limbs.
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Papyrus sheet


This edition is based on Karl Strecker, ed., Poetae Latini aevi Carolini, Vol. 4.2 (Berlin, MGH/Weidmann, 1923), page 754.

The putative title ("De charta") and Line 6 follow Fr. Glorie, ed., Variae collectiones aenigmatum Merovingicae aetatis, Corpus Christianorum, Series Latina 133A (Turnhout: Brepols, 1968), page 597.

Tags: latin  Bern Riddles 

Eusebius Riddle 50: De saura lacerto


Date: Mon 27 Dec 2021
Original text:

Porro, senectutis fugiens discrimina ferre,
Lumina fuscantur mihi, sicque foramina tecti
Illa parte domus quae solis spectat in ortum
Intro, ac Titanis radiis inluminor ipsis.


Furthermore, fleeing tolerance of old age’s ravages, 
My eyes are deprived of light, and thus into openings in the roof
On that side of the house which looks toward the sunrise
I enter, and I am illuminated by the rays of Titan themselves.

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On the lizard

Tags: riddles  latin  Eusebius 

Aldhelm Riddle 50: Myrifyllon


Date: Tue 15 Mar 2022
Original text:

Prorsus Achivorum lingua pariterque Latina
Mille vocor viridi folium de cespite natum.
Idcirco decies centenum nomen habebo,
Cauliculis florens quoniam sic nulla frutescit
Herba per innumeros telluris limite sulcos.


In the language of the Greeks and likewise in Latin 
I am straightforwardly called “thousand-leaf,” born from the green field. 
For this reason I shall have my hundred-fold name ten times,
Since, blooming on its stalk, no plant shoots up on a path thus
Among the innumerable furrows of the earth.

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This edition is based on Rudolf Ehwald, ed. Aldhelmi Opera Omnia. Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Auctores Antiquissimi, 15. Berlin: Weidmann, 1919, pages 59-150. Available online here.

Tags: riddles  latin  Aldhelm 

Symphosius Riddle 50: Fenum


Date: Fri 01 Jul 2022
Original text:

Herba fui quondam viridi de gramine terrae;
Sed chalybis duro mollis praecisa metallo
Mole premor propria, tecto conclusa sub alto.


I was once grass, from the herb of the green earth;
But, tender when I was cut short by the steel’s hard metal,
I am pressed down by my own mass, enclosed under a high roof.

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This edition is based on Raymond T. Ohl, ed. The Enigmas of Symphosius. PhD dissertation, University of Pennsylvania, 1928.

If you're researching/studying this collection, you should also consult this excellent new edition: T. J. Leary, ed. Symphosius: The Aenigmata, An Introduction, Text and Commentary. London: Bloomsbury, 2014. Textual differences in that edition include:

  • Title: Fenum > faenum

Tags: riddles  solutions  latin  symphosius 

Commentary for Bern Riddle 50: De vino


Date: Wed 31 Mar 2021
Matching Riddle: Bern Riddle 50: De vino
Matching Riddle: Bern Riddle 50A: De charta

Wine was a popular subject for early medieval Latin riddlers. You could say that grape minds think alike! There are two other Bern Riddles on grapes (13) and wine (63), and Symphosius wrote two wine riddles (Nos. 82 and 83), Aldhelm wrote riddles on a wine cask (78) and wine goblet (80), and the Lorsch riddler wrote a riddle about a cup of wine (5). If we believe what we read, wine was also a popular drink with at least one riddler. Symphosius, writing at some point between the third and fifth centuries, tells us that he told riddles during a Saturnalian party cum streperet late madidae facundia linguae (“whilst the eloquence of a tipsy tongue rambles extensively” (Symphosius, page 39)).

Wine 1
“A cellarer sampling wine, from British Library MS Sloane 2435, folio 44v. Photo from Wikimedia Commons (public domain).”

Lines 1, 2, and 3 combine the motifs of the unconventional birth and parental self-sacrifice that we have seen in previous riddles. They look back to Riddle 13, which described grapes as the children of the vine, who are then killed to produce wine. Here, the grapes are presented as the “countless mothers” (innumerae matres), who are killed after receiving “many wounds” (multa vulnera) during the crushing stage of the winemaking process. Only through the “death” of many grapes can the wine be born.

Lines 4, 5, and 6 shift the focus to the power that the wine has over those who drink it. This is a common trope in riddles about alcohol. Riddles are frequently interested in temporarily overthrowing and subverting the status quo. Because wine has the power to temporarily overcome the faculties of the humans who chose to consume it, this makes it the perfect riddle subject. For example, in Riddle 13, excessive drunkenness becomes a form of revenge for the dead grapes– in my commentary, I punningly called it “the wrath of grapes.” Riddle 50 continues to play on this theme, explaining that the wine can only “harm” (iniqua reddere) those who love it, but that it has no power over everyone else. Thus, the story of revenge from the previous riddle is itself turned on its head. I have said in a previous commentary that the Bern Riddles love to talk to each other. We often think of riddles as monologues—a single speaker gives us clues about its identity—but Riddle 50 shows that they are frequently at their best when read as a dialogue. Anyway, what a corking riddle!


References and Suggested Reading:

“Aenigma Laureshamensia [Lorsch Riddle] 5” in Tatuini Opera Omnia. Edited by Maria De Marco. Corpus Christianorum Series Latina 133. Turnholt: Brepols, 1958. Page 351.

Aldhelm of Malmesbury, “Enigmata 78 and 80.” In Rudolph Ehwald (ed.), Aldhelmi Opera, MGH Auctrorum antiquissimorum 15. Berlin: Weidmann, 1919. Pages 127-29. Available here.

Klein, Thomas. “Pater Occultus: The Latin Bern Riddles and Their Place in Early Medieval Riddling.” Neophilologus 103 (2019), 339-417, page 404.

Symphosius, “Preface” in The Aenigmata: An introduction, Text, and Commentary. Edited by T. J. Leary (London: Bloomsbury, 2014). Page 39.

Winterfeld, Paul. “Observationes criticalae.” Philologus vol. 53 (1899). Pages 289-95.

Tags: latin  Bern Riddles 

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Bern Riddle 13: De vite
Bern Riddle 63: De vino

Commentary for Bern Riddle 50A: De charta


Date: Wed 31 Mar 2021
Matching Riddle: Bern Riddle 50: De vino
Matching Riddle: Bern Riddle 50A: De charta

I had a pun saved up for this commentary, but unfortunately it was too tearable to use. Feel free to groan!

With that fantastic pun out of the way, I can introduce the second riddle on papyrus in the collection. The first, Riddle 27, focused on the plant and its use as a lamp wick, whereas this one is all about the use of papyrus as a writing material. It only appears in one copy, a 9th century Italian manuscript that also contains riddles by Symphosius and Aldhelm (Berlin, Staatsbibliothek, Philipps 1825).

As I explained in my commentary to Riddle 24, parchment was the preeminent writing material during the early European Middle Ages. Paper made from wood was used prolifically in China from the 4th century CE, and it had spread to the Islamic Middle East and North Africa by the 8th century, but it was not produced in Europe until the first paper mills were built in Spain in the 12th century. Papyrus was used extensively by the ancient Romans and Greeks, but it was gradually replaced by parchment. Pliny, writing in the 1st century CE, gave a detailed explanation of papyrus production. He summarises it thus:

Texitur omnis madente tabula Nili aqua: turbidus liquor vim glutinis praebet. in rectum primo supina tabulae schida adlinitur longitudine papyri quae potuit esse resegminibus utrimque amputatis, traversa postea crates peragit. premitur ergo prelis, et siccantur sole plagulae atque inter se iunguntur, proximarum semper bonitatis deminutione ad deterrimas.

Paper of all kinds is ‘woven’ on a board moistened with water from the Nile, muddy liquid supplying the effect of glue. First an upright layer is smeared on to the table, using the full length of papyrus available after the trimmings have been cut off at both ends, and afterwards cross strips complete the latticework. The next step is to press it in presses, and the sheets are dried in the sun and then joined together, the next strip used always diminishing in quality down to the worst of all.
Pliny the Elder, Natural History, Book 13, pages 143-4.

Isidore of Seville, writing in the early seventh century, also included a much shorter description of papyrus sheets in his Etymologies (Isidore, page 141). As we will see, it is possible that the riddle-writer drew on Isidore or Pliny when constructing this riddle.

The first two lines of the riddle describe the processing of the papyrus as an extremely violent act of destruction, which nevertheless results in the creation of something new. First, the speaker is “torn apart” (divelli) from the limbs of her mother (note that papyrus can be a masculine or feminine noun), just as the pith is stripped from the papyrus plant. Then she is “mutilated” (truncata), as the pith is cut lengthwise into strips. Finally, she is reassembled into something “larger” (maior); this alludes to the gluing together of the strips to create a papyrus sheet.

Papyrus 3
“A papyrus sheet of the Gospel of Matthew. Probably from Egypt, 3rd or 4th century. Photo (by University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Library) from Wikimedia Commons (public domain).”

Lines 3 and 4 juxtapose the two states of the papyrus, as a plant and as a sheet, which they link together with the idea of virginity. The plant-mother is intacta (“whole, intact, virgin”) when she has not yet been stripped of its pith; the sheet is virgo (“virgin”) when she has not yet been written on. Line 5 continues this theme, framing the stripping of the papyrus pith as a transition from wholeness to division, and the gluing of the cut papyrus sheets as a movement back to wholeness again.

The final line, which mentions a “liquid” (liquida) that the papyrus sheet keeps “secure” (secura) in its “limbs” (membra), refers to papyrus’ absorbent properties, and particularly in respect of the ink that it holds on its surface. It may be a reference to Isidore’s note that papyrus sheets “drink liquid” (Etymologies, page 141). Or it may have in mind a remark by Pliny that “on account of the sponginess of the papyrus, it [i.e., the papyrus strip] sucks up the ink” (glutinamentis taenea fungo papyri bibula (Pliny, pages 146-7)).

Papyrus 4
Cyperus papyrus in Parc floral de Paris. Photograph (by Liné1) from Wikimedia Commons (licence: CC0 1.0)”

I think it is fair to say that this riddle is rather sedate and transparent when compared to many other Bern Riddles. It focuses on the process of constructing the papyrus sheet, which it describes in terms of violent birth, separateness, and wholeness. Since it only appears in one manuscript, we are entitled to ask whether it truly belongs to the collection. Given that it uses the same vocabulary and themes found in other riddles, I think that it probably does. For example, the verb reddere (“to return”) in line 2 looks back to the final line from the previous riddle. Likewise, the phrase firmis plantis (“with firm shoots or feet”) is also used in Riddle 10 to describe a ladder, and this also prefigures the reference to plantae in the next riddle. However, although it probably does belong in the collection, we should not paper over the differences either!


References and Suggested Reading:

Isidore of Seville. The Etymologies of Isidore of Seville. Edited by Stephen A. Barney, W. J. Lewis, J. A. Beach and Oliver Berghof. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006.


Pliny the Elder. Natural History, Volume III: Books 8-11. Translated by H. Rackham. Loeb Classics 353. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1940.

Tags: latin  Bern Riddles 

Related Posts:
Bern Riddle 24: De membrana
Bern Riddle 27: De papiro

Bern Riddle 51: De alio


Date: Wed 02 Dec 2020
Matching Commentaries: Commentary for Bern Riddle 51: De alio
Original text:
Multiplici veste natus de matre producor
Nec habere corpus possum, si vestem amitto.
Meos, unde nascor, in venre fero parentes,
Vivo nam sepultus, vitam et inde resumo.
Superis eductus nec umquam crescere possum,
Dum natura caput facit succedere plantis.
I am born from a mother, I am made with a complex garment,
and I cannot have a body if I lose my clothing.
I carry my parents, who created me, in my belly,
for I live buried and come back to life there.
Once born, I can can never grow high
as long as nature puts my head under my feet.
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This edition is based on Karl Strecker, ed., Poetae Latini aevi Carolini, Vol. 4.2 (Berlin, MGH/Weidmann, 1923), page 755.

A list of variant readings can be found in Fr. Glorie, ed., Variae collectiones aenigmatum Merovingicae aetatis, Corpus Christianorum, Series Latina 133A (Turnhout: Brepols, 1968), page 598.

Tags: latin  Bern Riddles 

Eusebius Riddle 51: De scorpione


Date: Mon 27 Dec 2021
Original text:

Vermibus ascriptus nec non serpentibus atris,
Quislibet utrorum sociatus, ab ore solesco
Armari bino; quod vulnere corpore caudae
Inficiens, virum diffundo. (1) Hinc Grece vocabor,
Et, reliquos mordens artus, non vulnero palmas.


Ascribed the status of worms and also of deadly serpents,
Allied with either of them, I am typically armed
With a second mouth; because, poisoning the body with a wound
From my tail, I pour out into the man. From this I get my name in Greek,
And, biting other limbs, I do not wound the palms.

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On the scorpion


(1) Other editions read virus (poison), but virum (man) is the reading in both manuscripts and makes a kind of sense.

Tags: riddles  latin  Eusebius 

Aldhelm Riddle 51: Eliotropus


Date: Tue 15 Mar 2022
Original text:

Sponte mea nascor fecundo cespite vernans;
Fulgida de croceo flavescunt culmina flore.
Occiduo claudor, sic orto sole patesco:
Unde prudentes posuerunt nomina Graeci.


I am born in a fertile field, flourishing of my own accord;
The shining peaks grow yellow with golden blossom.
When the sun is in the west I am closed, and by the same token I open at sunrise:
Whence the wise Greeks set my name. 

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This edition is based on Rudolf Ehwald, ed. Aldhelmi Opera Omnia. Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Auctores Antiquissimi, 15. Berlin: Weidmann, 1919, pages 59-150. Available online here.

Tags: riddles  latin  Aldhelm 

Symphosius Riddle 51: Mola


Date: Fri 09 Sep 2022
Original text:

Ambo sumus lapides, una sumus, ambo iacemus.
Quam piger est unus, tantum non est piger alter:
Hic manet inmotus, non desinit ille moveri.


We are both rocks, we are one, we both lie together.
One is as lazy as the other is not lazy:
This one stays unmoving, that one does not stop being moved.

Click to show riddle solution?


This edition is based on Raymond T. Ohl, ed. The Enigmas of Symphosius. PhD dissertation, University of Pennsylvania, 1928.

Tags: riddles  solutions  latin  symphosius 

Commentary for Bern Riddle 51: De alio


Date: Wed 31 Mar 2021
Matching Riddle: Bern Riddle 51: De alio

How to sum up this riddle in a song? After a lot of thought, the best that I could come up with was: “It’s getting hot in here / So take off all your cloves…” Yes, I know. I’m a punning genius...

Although this riddle doesn’t have a title in its manuscripts, the solution is almost certainly garlic. Garlic was a common foodstuff and medicinal ingredient in the Mediterranean world from classical times. Famously, the poet Horace was not a fan—he wrote a verse that compared the plant to hemlock and other deadly poisons (“Epode 3,” pages 278-9)! During the European Middle Ages, garlic was used in a wide variety of sauces, and monks often grew it in their medicinal gardens. Cultivated garlic was also known in England, where it was referred to as garleac, which is a compound of gar (“spear”) and leac (“leek”).

Garlic features in two other riddles: Symphosius’ Riddle 95 and Exeter Riddle 86. Both describe a one-eyed garlic seller as a creature with thousands of heads—you can read Megan’s commentary on these extraordinary riddles here. As we will see, the Bern riddler was probably familiar with Symphosius’ riddle.

“Garlic clove. Photograph (by Thamizhpparithi Maari) from Wikimedia Commons (licence: BY SA 4.0)”

The riddle begins with three wonderful sub-riddles, each of which relates to a different part of the plant. We are asked to name the mother and the “complex garment” (multiplex vestis), and we are also expected to explain the cryptic reference to its body in line 2. The mother is the garlic plant. Although the Latin word for garlic, alium, is neuter, herba (“plant, herb”) is a feminine noun and plants are described as mothers in several other riddles. The garment is the clove, which holds the individual bulbs together—thus, the garlic can be said to lose its “body” when it is without its clothing.

As with so many of the Bern riddles, Riddle 51 subverts the image of childbirth in an unexpected way, which it challenges us to explain. In line 3, the child is said to carry its parents in its belly. This refers to the bulbs, which will themselves grow into new parent-plants when buried in line 4. The image of something buried that will later come back to life also hints at the Resurrection of Christ, just as we found in Riddles 6, 12, 13 and 20.

Garlic 2
“Harvesting garlic in a 15th century French copy of the Tacuinum Sanitatis (Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, Département des manuscrits, Latin 9333, folio 23). Photograph from Wikimedia Commons (public domain)”

You may remember how “heads became feet” for the hammer of Riddle 46. Something similar happens here: in lines 5 and 6, the garlic is prevented from “growing high” (superis crescere) because its “head” (caput) is placed under its “feet” (plantae). This plays on the fact that the low growing “shoots” (plantae) of the garlic are above ground, whereas the clove grows below it. It may also have Symphosius’ garlicy reference to “many thousands of heads” (capitum… milia multa) in mind.

In my opinion, you would have to be a vampire to dislike this riddle! The great thing about it, and about the Bern collection generally, is that a very ordinary thing can be depicted in such creative, unusual, and subversive ways. After reading this riddle, you can never look at garlic in the same way again!


References and Suggested Reading:

Adamson, Melitta Weiss Adamson. Food in Medieval Times. Westport: Greenwood Press, 2004.

Horace, “Epode 3”. In Odes and Epodes. Edited and translated by Niall Rudd. Loeb Classical Library 33. Cambridge, MA.: Harvard University Press, 2004.

Rivlin, Richard S. “Historical Perspective on the Use of Garlic.” The Journal of Nutrition, Volume 131, 2001. Pages 951–954.

Symphosius, “Riddle 95” in The Aenigmata: An introduction, Text, and Commentary. Edited by T. J. Leary (London: Bloomsbury, 2014). Page 51.

Tags: latin  Bern Riddles 

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