Exeter Riddle 13 in Bosnian / на босанском


Date: Tue 04 Jan 2022

Denis Ferhatović was born in a city that no longer exists, in a country that no longer exists. He is the author of Borrowed Objects and the Art of Poetry: Spolia in Old English Verse (2019). He loves to read, think, and write about languages, travels, translation, queerness, art, cats, food, and many other things.

Денис Ферхатовић је рођен у граду који више не постоји, у држави која више не постоји. Аутор је књиге Позајмљени предмети и умијеће поезије: Сполије у староенглеском пјесништву (2019). Воли да чита, размишља и пише о језицима, путовањима, превођењу, настраности, умјетности, мачкама, храни и многочему другоме.

Original text:

Ic seah turf tredan,      X wæron ealra,
VI gebroþor      ond hyra sweostor mid;
hæfdon feorg cwico.      Fell hongedon
sweotol ond gesyne      on seles wæge
5     anra gehwylces.      Ne wæs hyra ængum þy wyrs,
ne siðe þy sarre,      þeah hy swa sceoldon
reafe birofene,      rodra weardes
meahtum aweahte,      muþum slitan
haswe blede.      Hrægl bið geniwad
10     þam þe ær forðcymene      frætwe leton
licgan on laste,      gewitan lond tredan.


Видјех, по топраку ходе    десеторо њих
Шесторица браће    са сестрама својим
Пуни жеље за животом. Опне им висише
Јасне и очевидне    на дуварима одаје
5     Од сваког понаособ. Никоме не бје захмет
Нити им пут бје мучан    премда су морали
Робе лишени        куветом цара на небу
Из сна пробуђени    устима раскинути
Жyћкасто жито.     Одјећа бје обновљена
10     Онима који стигавши   прво оставише оправу
Да лежи на тлу    и почеше да земљом ходе.

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шест пијеваца и четири кокошке

Tags: exeter book  old english  riddle 13  denis ferhatovic 

Exeter Riddle 39 in Montenegrin / na crnogorskom


Date: Tue 04 Jan 2022

Denis Ferhatović was born in a city that no longer exists, in a country that no longer exists. He is the author of Borrowed Objects and the Art of Poetry: Spolia in Old English Verse (2019). He loves to read, think, and write about languages, travels, translation, queerness, art, cats, food, and many other things.

Denis Ferhatović je rođen u gradu koji više ne postoji, u državi koja više ne postoji. Autor je knjige Pozajmljeni predmeti i umijeće poezije: Spolije u staroengleskom pjesništvu (2019). Voli da čita, razmišlja i piše o jezicima, putovanjima, prevođenju, nastranosti, umjetnosti, mačkama, hrani i mnogočemu drugome.

Original text:

Gewritu secgað      þæt seo wiht sy
mid moncynne     miclum tidum
sweotol ond gesyne.      Sundorcræft hafað
maran micle,      þonne hit men witen.
5     Heo wile gesecan      sundor æghwylcne
feorhberendra,      gewiteð eft feran on weg.
Ne bið hio næfre      niht þær oþre,
ac hio sceal wideferh      wreccan laste
hamleas hweorfan;     no þy heanre biþ.
10     Ne hafað hio fot ne folme,      ne æfre foldan hran,
ne eagena     ægþer twega,
ne muð hafaþ,      ne wiþ monnum spræc,
ne gewit hafað,      ac gewritu secgað
þæt seo sy earmost      ealra wihta,
15     þara þe æfter gecyndum     cenned wære.
Ne hafað hio sawle ne feorh,     ac hio siþas sceal
geond þas wundorworuld     wide dreogan.
Ne hafaþ hio blod ne ban,      hwæþre bearnum wearð
geond þisne middangeard     mongum to frofre.
20     Næfre hio heofonum hran,     ne to helle mot,
ac hio sceal wideferh      wuldorcyninges
larum lifgan.      Long is to secganne
hu hyre ealdorgesceaft      æfter gongeð,
woh wyrda gesceapu;      þæt is wrætlic þing
25     to gesecganne.      Soð is æghwylc
þara þe ymb þas wiht      wordum becneð;
ne hafað heo ænig lim,      leofaþ efne seþeah.
Gif þu mæge reselan     recene gesecgan
soþum wordum,      saga hwæt hio hatte.


Prema pisanijama     ovi stvor je
Uvijek sa čoekom     većinu vremena
Jasan je i očevidan.     Ima posebnu vještinu
Mnogo veću no što to         znaju ljudi
5     Želi potražiti    pojedinačno svako
Biće životonosno,     vazda kreće na put.
Nikad ne prenoći    niđe dvaput zaredom
Već mora gaziti    stazama izgnanstva
Vrćeti se bezdoman.     Ne ponižava ga to.
10     Nema ni nogu ni ruku,     niti je ikad dotakao tle
Ni očiju,     jednog ni drugog
Ni usta nema,     niti s čoekom zbori
Uma nema    ali prema pisanijama
To je najžalosniji     od svijeh stvorova
15     Koje je priroda     na svijet izrodila.
Nema ni duše ni daha        ali mora patiti
Putujući po zemnom    čudovitom šaru.
Nema ni krvce ni kostiju,     no đeci biva
Mnogoj po vascijeloj        vasioni ućeha.    
20     Nikad ne dotiče nebesa,    niti može do pakla
Ali mora posvuda    živjeti uz nauk
Kralja slave. Predugo bi bilo beśediti
O tome kako potom prolazi    tok njegovog života,
Zamršeno povjesmo događaja.    To je zaista strahovito
25     Nešto za beśedu.    Istina je sve
Što se može o tom stvoru    riječima iskazati.
Nema niti jedan ud,    a u inat nastavlja živjeti.
Ako možeš odmah    dati pravo rješenje
Istinitim riječima,    reci kako se stvor zove.

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vrijeme, smrt, oblak, mjesec, govor

Tags: exeter book  old english  riddle 39  denis ferhatovic 

Exeter Riddle 51 in Indonesian / Di dalam Bahasa Indonesia


Date: Tue 04 Jan 2022

Denis Ferhatović was born in a city that no longer exists, in a country that no longer exists. He is the author of Borrowed Objects and the Art of Poetry: Spolia in Old English Verse (2019). He loves to read, think, and write about languages, travels, translation, queerness, art, cats, food, and many other things.

Eggi Triyadi is a native Indonesian who currently resides in the United States of America. He enjoys a lot of art activities, including sculpting, singing, and painting. He is also a big fan of musical theatre. One of his favourite Broadway shows is Hamilton.

Denis Ferhatovic lahir di kota yang telah tiada, di negari yang telah tiada. Beliau adalah penulis dari Barang-barang pinjaman dan seni puisi : Spolia di persajakan bahasa Inggris kuno (2019). Beliau suka membaca, menganalisa, dan menulis tentang perbahasaan, perjalanan, penerjemahan, budaya LGBTQ+, seni, kucing, makanan dan banyak hal lainnya.

Eggi Triyadi adalah orang Indonesia yang sekarang berdomisili di Amerika Serikat. Beliau menikmati banyak aktivitas seni, termasuk seni memahat, menyanyi dan melukis. Beliau juga adalah penggemar drama musikal. Satu di antara pertunjukkan Broadway yang beliau sukai adalah Hamilton.

Original text:

Ic seah wrætlice      wuhte feower
samed siþian;     swearte wæran lastas,
swaþu swiþe blacu.      Swift wæs on fore,
fuglum framra      fleag on lyfte;
5     deaf under yþe.     Dreag unstille
winnende wiga,      se him wegas tæcneþ
ofer fæted gold      feower eallum.


Saya melihat empat makhluk berjalan
bersama-sama secara ajaib. Jejaknya gelap,
bekasnya sangat hitam. Satunya yang lebih kuat dari burung
bergerak maju lebih awal,    terbang bersama udara,
5     menyelam di bawah ombak.     Dia pekerja keras
ksatria yang berjuang ketika membangun jalanan
melintang di atas ornamen emas bersama empat mahluk berekor.

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sebuah kalam dan tiga jari

Tags: exeter book  old english  riddle 51  denis ferhatovic  Eggi Triyadi 

Exeter Riddle 61 in Croatian / na hrvatskom


Date: Tue 04 Jan 2022

Denis Ferhatović was born in a city that no longer exists, in a country that no longer exists. He is the author of Borrowed Objects and the Art of Poetry: Spolia in Old English Verse (2019). He loves to read, think, and write about languages, travels, translation, queerness, art, cats, food, and many other things.

Denis Ferhatović je rođen u gradu koji više ne postoji, u državi koja više ne postoji. Autor je knjige Pozajmljeni predmeti i umijeće poezije: Spolije u staroengleskom pjesništvu (2019). Voli da čita, razmišlja i piše o jezicima, putovanjima, prevođenju, nastranosti, umjetnosti, mačkama, hrani i mnogočemu drugome.

Original text:

Oft mec fæste bileac      freolicu meowle,
ides on earce,     hwilum up ateah
folmum sinum      ond frean sealde,
holdum þeodne,     swa hio haten wæs.
5     Siðþan me on hreþre      heafod sticade,
nioþan upweardne,     on nearo fegde.
Gif þæs ondfengan     ellen dohte,
mec frætwedne      fyllan sceolde
ruwes nathwæt.      Ræd hwæt ic mæne.


Često bi me zakjučala     gospa divna,
Šjora u kašun        kadagod me izvadila
Rukaman svojin    i dala šjoru
Virnom jubjenon    kad bi o’ nje zatražija.
On bi onda u srid    mene glavu stavija
Od doli prema gori    u tisno misto.
Ako bi snaga junaka    dostatna bila,
Mene bi napituranu    ispunilo cilu
Kosmato neč.        Nu veli ča mislin.

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kaciga, košulja, žensko spolovilo

Tags: exeter book  old english  riddle 61  denis ferhatovic 

Exeter Riddle 83 in Serbian / на српском


Date: Tue 04 Jan 2022

Denis Ferhatović was born in a city that no longer exists, in a country that no longer exists. He is the author of Borrowed Objects and the Art of Poetry: Spolia in Old English Verse (2019). He loves to read, think, and write about languages, travels, translation, queerness, art, cats, food, and many other things.

Денис Ферхатовић је рођен у граду који више не постоји, у држави која више не постоји. Аутор је књиге Позајмљени предмети и умијеће поезије: Сполије у староенглеском пјесништву (2019). Воли да чита, размишља и пише о језицима, путовањима, превођењу, настраности, умјетности, мачкама, храни и многочему другоме.

Original text:

Frod wæs min fromcynn     […]
biden in burgum,     siþþan bæles weard
[…] wera     lige bewunden,
fyre gefælsad.     Nu me fah warað
eorþan broþor,     se me ærest wearð
gumena to gyrne.     Ic ful gearwe gemon
hwa min fromcynn     fruman agette
eall of eard;     ic him yfle ne mot,
ac ic on hæftnyd     hwilum arære
wide geond wongas.     Hæbbe ic wundra fela,
middangeardes     mægen unlytel,
ac ic miþan sceal     monna gehwylcum
degolfulne dom      dyran cræftes,
siðfæt mine.     Saga hwæt ic hatte.


Древна беше моја лоза […]
Обитавах у градовима,    онда господар ватре
[…]  људи    пламеном обавијен,
Огњем прочишћен. Сада ме душман држи
Брат тла    који први беше мени
Од људи патња.  У трен се сетим
Ко је моју лозу     прекинуо први,
Искоренио из дома. Не могу да му наудим
Али понекад пронесем    беочуге ропства
Кроз непрегледна поља.   Поседујем многа чудеса
Широм земаљског шара, немале моћи
Али морам сакрити    од сваког људског створа
Тајанствену снагу    драгоценог умећа,
Своје путешествије. Кажи како се зовем.

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руда, метал, новац

Tags: exeter book  old english  riddle 83  denis ferhatovic 

Exeter Riddle 85 in Indonesian / Di dalam Bahasa Indonesia


Date: Tue 04 Jan 2022

Denis Ferhatović was born in a city that no longer exists, in a country that no longer exists. He is the author of Borrowed Objects and the Art of Poetry: Spolia in Old English Verse (2019). He loves to read, think, and write about languages, travels, translation, queerness, art, cats, food, and many other things.

Eggi Triyadi is a native Indonesian who currently resides in the United States of America. He enjoys a lot of art activities, including sculpting, singing, and painting. He is also a big fan of musical theatre. One of his favourite Broadway shows is Hamilton.

Denis Ferhatovic lahir di kota yang telah tiada, di negari yang telah tiada. Beliau adalah penulis dari Barang-barang pinjaman dan seni puisi : Spolia di persajakan bahasa Inggris kuno (2019). Beliau suka membaca, menganalisa, dan menulis tentang perbahasaan, perjalanan, penerjemahan, budaya LGBTQ+, seni, kucing, makanan dan banyak hal lainnya.

Eggi Triyadi adalah orang Indonesia yang sekarang berdomisili di Amerika Serikat. Beliau menikmati banyak aktivitas seni, termasuk seni memahat, menyanyi dan melukis. Beliau juga adalah penggemar drama musikal. Satu di antara pertunjukkan Broadway yang beliau sukai adalah Hamilton.

Original text:

Nis min sele swige,         ne ic sylfa hlud
ymb * * *(1) unc dryhten scop
siþ ætsomne.         Ic eom swiftre þonne he,
þragum strengra,         he þreohtigra.
Hwilum ic me reste;         he sceal yrnan forð.
Ic him in wunige         a þenden ic lifge;
gif wit unc gedælað,         me bið deað witod.


Bukan balaiku yang terdiam, bukan juga diriku yang bising.
Tuhan menciptakan perjalanan kami berdua
Bersama-sama. Diriku lebih cepat dari dirinya.
Ada kalanya diriku lebih kuat, dirinya lebih kekal.
Kadang-kadang ketika diriku beristirahat, dirinya harus tetap mengalir.
Diriku berdiam di dalamnya seumur hidup.
Jika kami berdua terpisah, itu akhir hidupku. 

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ikan dan sungai


(1) Ada ruang kosong di dalam naskah ini yang dapat diisi dengan tujuh huruf / There is a blank space in the manuscript here with room for about seven letters.

Tags: exeter book  old english  riddle 85  denis ferhatovic  Eggi Triyadi 

Exeter Riddle 88


Date: Thu 19 Dec 2019
Matching Commentaries: Commentary for Exeter Riddle 88
We have a guest translator for this riddle: the one and only Denis Ferhatović. Denis is associate professor of English at Connecticut College and an enthusiast when it comes to poetic creativity. He has brought some of this creativity to the below translation, which I hope you enjoy reading as much as I have!

Original text:
Ic weox þær ic s[……………………
……..]ond sumor mi[…………….
……………]me wæs min ti[…..
5 …]d ic on staðol[………………..
……….]um geong, swa[……….
oft geond [………………..]fgeaf,
ac ic uplong stod, þær ic [………]
10 ond min broþor; begen wæron hearde.
Eard wæs þy weorðra þe wit on stodan,
hyrstum þy hyrra. Ful oft unc holt wrugon,
wudubeama helm wonnum nihtum,
scildon wið scurum; unc gescop meotud.
15 Nu unc mæran twam magas uncre
sculon æfter cuman, eard oðþringan
gingran broþor. Eom ic gumcynnes
anga ofer eorþan; is min agen bæc
wonn ond wundorlic. Ic on wuda stonde
20 bordes on ende. Nis min broþor her,
ac ic sceal broþorleas bordes on ende
staþol weardian, stondan fæste;
ne wat hwær min broþor on wera æhtum
eorþan sceata eardian sceal,
25 se me ær be healfe heah eardade.
Wit wæron gesome sæcce to fremmanne;
næfre uncer awþer his ellen cyðde,
swa wit þære beadwe begen ne onþungan.
Nu mec unsceafta innan slitað,
30 wyrdaþ mec be wombe; ic gewendan ne mæg.
Æt þam spore findeð sped se þe se[…
………..] sawle rædes.
I grew where I s[……………………
……..]and summer mi[…………….
……………]me was my ti[…..
…………………… …]d I in the position[………………..
……….]um young, so[……….
……………..] nevertheless,
often throughout [………………..]fgave,
but I stood straight where I [………]
and my brother. We were both hardened.
Our shelter was worthier, adorned more highly,
as the two of us stood on top. The forest always protected us,
on dark nights, its helm of arboreal branches made a shield
against downpours. The Almighty molded us.
Now our kinsmen, our younger brothers
must come after us, and snatch away
our shelter. I am the only human individual
left in the world. My own back is
murky and marvelous. I stand on wood,
on the border of the shield/on the edge of the table/on the margin of the page.(1)
Mi hermano no está aquí.(2)
But I have to guard the position, brotherless
on the border of the shield/on the edge of the table/on the margin of the page.(3)
I must stand unmoved.
No sé dónde mi hermano debe habitar,(4) possessed by men, their property
in what quarter of the world
he who used to shelter high by my side.
We two were one when waging war.
Yet neither could make his valor known
as we were both no good when it came to battle.
Now some degenerates slit my insides,
tear into my abdomen. I cannot escape.
Following these traces finds abundance who […
………..] advantage to the soul.
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Antler, Inkhorn, Horn, Body and Soul


This riddle appears on folios 129r-129v of The Exeter Book.

The above Old English text is based on this edition: Elliott van Kirk Dobbie and George Philip Krapp, eds, The Exeter Book, Anglo-Saxon Poetic Records 3 (New York: Columbia University Press, 1936), pages 239-40.

Note that this edition numbers the text Riddle 84: Craig Williamson, ed., The Old English Riddles of the Exeter Book (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1977), pages 116-17.

Translation Notes:

(1) and (3) Please see the commentary for more information regarding this multiple translation.

(2) and (4) Likewise, an explanation of the parts in Spanish, and my reason for their use, can be found in the commentary.

Tags: anglo saxon  exeter book  riddles  old english  solutions  riddle 88  denis ferhatovic 

Related Posts:
Exeter Riddle 60
Exeter Riddle 72
Exeter Riddle 83

Commentary for Exeter Riddle 88


Date: Thu 19 Dec 2019
Matching Riddle: Exeter Riddle 88

A special holiday treat for you: two posts on the same day! Denis Ferhatović of Connecticut College returns with this commentary on the most fabulous Riddle 88. Enjoy!:

Red deer stag looking at camera

Photo (by Mehmet Karatay) from Wikimedia Commons (licence: CC BY-SA 3.0).

Thank you, Megan, for giving me an opportunity to try out one of my favorite genres, translator’s note, and combine it with scholarly commentary.

I will begin with a quotation from a poem by Nahir Otaño Gracia, “¡Si es tuyo, es mío! / Old English is mine!” Although Otaño Gracia and I have different marginalizations, like her, I claim the vernacular of early medieval England as mine. This past summer, as I sat down in a train that would take me from Manchester Airport to Leeds for the International Medieval Congress, I noticed a sign nearby. It explained how to obtain a luggage cart in two languages and scripts, English in the Roman alphabet, and Urdu in the Perso-Arabic alphabet.

Riddle 88 sign.jpeg
Bilingual luggage cart instructions in Manchester, UK

Later on the train, a young heterosexual couple with a child sat next to me. The little one pointed to a herd of ungulates [i.e. hoofed mammals] on a field outside, exclaiming the word “horse” in Polish, which I recognized because of its similarity to the same word in my native language. England is, and has always been, multilingual and multicultural. This is also true for the time that produced the Exeter Book riddles: Riddle 90 is in Latin rather than Old English; runes give Riddles 19, 24, 64, and 75 one more layer to decode; Welsh characters appear in Riddles 12 and 52 (for more, see the work of Lindy Brady in the reading list below).

Anyone glancing at my Modern English translation of Riddle 88 will notice two lines in Spanish. Let me explain my decision to include them. You might remember the scandal that Seamus Heaney caused when he incorporated a small but prominent number of Irish and Hiberno-English words in his masterful translation of Beowulf. I, too, wish to underline potential postcolonial resonances of the poem that I am translating – that is, its ability to speak to complex histories of conquest, colonization, and cross-cultural exchange, of its immediate time and our own. I, too, seek to distinguish my English from the dominant mode of the language. Aware of the aesthetic and political stakes of inter/intralingual transfer, I choose not to be invisible as a translator.

Marginal voices and perspectives surface in the Exeter riddles, hidden in the startling speeches and descriptions of everyday things and creatures. Edward B. Irving, Jr. argues that the riddles often complicate the epic mode by expressing what is usually unexpressed in poems like Beowulf, the point of view of the small and the weak, the oppressed and the frightened. Jennifer Neville finds the possibility of social critique and Derridean deconstruction avant la lettre [before the term existed] in the corpus. When we read the lines Nis min broþor her (my brother is not here, line 20) and ne wat hwær min broþor/… eardian sceal (I do not know where my brother…/ must dwell, lines 23-24), I think that we are meant to hear more than the lament of an antler-turned-inkhorn for his twin.

Riddle 88 Inkhorn_and_ivory_case,_9th-13th.jpg
An ivory inkhorn from the early-medieval (9th/11th-century) Rhineland, along with an ivory pen case from 12th/13th-century Sicily. Photo (by Zde) from Wikimedia Commons (licence: CC BY-SA 4.0)

Broþor, according to the Dictionary of Old English (DOE), has several related shades of meanings, much like its modern descendent, familial, religious, and affectionate. If I read like a bædling (“sexual deviant”), I could recover a queer charge to the antler/inkhorn’s longing: momentarily revealed in the middle of the details dealing with the process of crafting the object is a lament for a kinsman, fellow monk, or male friend; hidden in that lament might be an erotic yearning of a man for another man, an expression of non-normative desire (for more on reading as a bædling, see Vaccaro’s forthcoming book). The speaker of Riddle 88 lost his brother who may be in a precarious situation somewhere. So many enigmas and other poems from the Exeter Book, including the Wanderer and Wife’s Lament, speak of the pain and, less often, consolation of exiles. My decision to translate lines 20 and 23-24 into Spanish comes from hearing a(n im)migrant or a refugee voice in the Old English and desiring to amplify it as such in the midst of the American English I use in this historical moment. And yet the statements do not come from a real person; they are stylized and embedded in an intellectual, poetic exercise about a piece of now-obsolete technology. If you want to hear from actual refugees, talk to them.

The DOE (see under ānga) echoes Craig Williamson (page 381) in calling lines 17 and 18 “hyperbolic and metaphoric.” Both sources also offer less literal renditions, but I perceive in the speaker’s assumption of humanness and assertion of utter loneliness an apocalyptic quality, convincing because the loss of a loved one can feel like the loss of the entire humankind.

“Bordes on ende” (lines 20, 21) fascinated me as a phrase; I aimed to render it with as much of its polysemy [i.e. multiplicity of meaning] as possible. The DOE gives “shield” and “table” for bord, and speculates that the word in that particular phrase in Riddle 88 may play on borda, “ornamental border.” Ende can have the sense of “remotest limit, border” (DOE, sense A.1.a), which works well with my (im)migrant reading. In any case, this enigma suggests a number of liminal positions, some of them central to textual production.

Now on to some other traductorial decisions. The poem is a fragment because of the damage to the manuscript at its beginning and end. I foreground the physical state of the text by keeping the ellipses (as presented by the editors Krapp and Dobbie) in my version. I leave the bits that cannot be parsed in Old English, typographically enshrining them to challenge our attempts at interpretation.

Since eardian, “to dwell,” and its noun form eard seem crucial to Riddle 88 (appearing in lines 10, 24, 25), I consistently translate them as “shelter” to capture an important thematic thread in the poem.

I read humor in lines 27-28. The stag is not a particularly fearsome beast in Old English literature. In a memorable passage of Beowulf, the narrator says that a deer pursued by hounds would rather perish on the shores of Grendel’s mere than venture inside (lines 1368-72). The Danish royal hall in that poem, Heorot gets its name from the animal because its gables look like antlers. Heor(o)tes horn, “hart’s horn, i.e., antler” and blæc-horn, “inkhorn” would be the solutions of Riddle 88 in its language. [SPOILER ALERT!] Riddle 93 has the same solution, and the Exeter Book features at least one more horn enigma, Riddle 14.

Williamson points out that unsceafta (line 29) literally means “uncreations” and figuratively “monsters” (page 382); I translate as “degenerates.” The reference is either to the tools carving a hole in the antler to create the inkhorn or the writing quills dipping inside the inkhorn to absorb the ink (as above). The word unsceafta sounds etymologically transparent – its constituent parts un– and –sceafta seem instantly understandable in Old English – in a way that monsters would not be in Modern English. Coming from the speaker, this powerful term maintains a rather different point of view for things typically considered useful, whether horn-working tools or writing utensils. The antler/inkhorn’s pain qualifies the redemptive message at the end of Riddle 88 (as it survives today). The speaker’s suffering facilitates human salvation because it holds ink for copied-out words of the Biblical Scriptures or other religious text, but, even if for a moment, our benefit does not automatically redeem its pain.

The speaker uses throughout the dual form of the first person pronoun – wit in the nominative case (i.e. for the subject of the sentence), uncre genitive (for the possessive), unc accusative (for the object). This is a special form used to refer to two persons or things (as opposed to the singular which deals with one and the plural with more than two), which has not survived into Modern English; I sometimes translate it as “we…both,” “we two,” and “the two of us” to keep the sense that though the antlers are separated in the world of the riddle, they remain together in the grammar.

Megan: And on that note of grammatical togetherness (love it!), we leave you now for a little holiday break. Look after each other out there and see you in the new year.


References and Suggested Reading:

Brady, Lindy. Writing the Welsh Borderlands in Anglo-Saxon England. Manchester:  Manchester University Press, 2017.

Dictionary of Old English: A-I Online. Ed. by Antonette diPaolo Healey, Dorothy Haines, Joan Holland, David McDougall, and Ian McDougall, with Pauline Thompson and Nancy Speirs. Web interface by Peter Mielke and Xin Xiang. Toronto: Dictionary of Old English Project, 2018.

Fulk, R. D., Robert E. Bjork, and John D. Niles, eds. Klaeber’s Beowulf and the Fight at Finnsburg. 4th edition. Toronto: Toronto University Press, 2008.

Heaney, Seamus, trans. Beowulf. London: Faber and Faber, 1999.

Irving, Edward B., Jr. “Heroic Experience in the Old English Riddles.” In Old English Shorter Poems: Basic Readings. Edited by Katherine O’Brien O’Keeffe. New York:  Garland, 1994, pages 199-212.

Krapp, George Philip, and Elliott van Kirk Dobbie, eds. The Exeter Book. New York: Columbia University Press, 1936.

Neville, Jennifer. “Speaking the Unspeakable: Appetite for Deconstruction in Exeter Book Riddle 12.” English Studies, volume 93 (2012), pages 519-28.

Otaño Gracia, Nahir. “Old English is Mine!” posted on Susan Signe Morrison’s blog, 6 October 2016. https://grendelsmotherthenovel.com/2016../../../riddles/post/old-english-is-mine-diversity-and-old-english/

Vaccaro, Christopher. Sadomasochistic Beowulf: Psychic and Somatic Dispersal in Old English Literature. Kalamazoo, MI: Medieval Institute Publications, forthcoming.

Williamson, Craig, ed. The Old English Riddles of the Exeter Book. Chapel Hill:  University of North Caroline Press, 1977.

Tags: anglo saxon  exeter book  riddles  old english  solutions  riddle 88  denis ferhatovic 

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